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This package provides an exclusion table in R with which you can keeping track of inclusion and exclusion criteria that you apply to your datasets. Using the exclusion_table() function you can obtain a table listing the number of excluded observation for each inclusion and exclusion criteria. Additionally, if you use the option keep_data == TRUE you can also obtain the dataset without the excluded observations.

Quick Example

This is a quick example to illustrate what ExclusionTable offers. We will use the penguins dataset included in the palmerpenguins package for the example. So make sure you install the package before running the example below.

# Load Penguine dataset

# Apply some exclusions
                exclusion_criteria = c("year == 2007",
                                       "sex  == 'male'",
                                       "bill_length_mm <= 40 &
                labels_exclusion   = c("Measured in 2007",
                                       "Bill length <= 40mm"))

The code above produces the following table, which offers a nice overview of the number of observations that were removed from the dataset for each exclusion criteria.

Excluded the following observations:
Exclusions based on EXCLUSION criteria

            exclusion n_prior n_post n_excluded
1    Measured in 2007     344    234        110
2               Males     234    114        120
3 Bill length <= 40mm     114     66         48
4               TOTAL     344     66        278


Please take a look at the vigniett on my website for more information on how to use the ExclusionTable package.


You can download the latest release of this package from CRAN using install.packages(ExclusionTable) or the latest development version using remotes.



If you find any bugs or have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to file an issue on GitHub or contact me via my website, Twitter or email.