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Remove cuts from your tree. This is, e.g., useful if you would like to remove certain chapters from the ICD-10 tree used for the analysis as some chapters might be a prior deemed irrelevant for the exposure of interest, e.g., chapter 20 (external causes of death) might not be of interest when comparing two drug exposures.


drop_cuts(tree, cuts, delimiter = "/", return_removed = FALSE)



A dataset with one variable pathString defining the tree structure that you would like to use. This dataset can, e.g., be created using create_tree.


A character vector of cuts to remove. Please make sure that your string uniquely identifies the cut that should be removed. Each string is passed to base::gsub() to identify the cuts that should be removed. Hence, strings can include regular expressions for identifying cuts. If you would like to remove a cut on the top level of the hierarchy, it might be helpful to use the regular expression operator ^.

Regular expression are composed as follows: paste0(cuts, delimiter, "?(.*)")


A character defining the delimiter of different tree levels within your pathString. The default is /.


A logical value for indicating whether you would like to get a list of removed cuts returned by the function.


If return_removed = FALSE a data.frame with a single variable named pathString is returned, which includes the updated tree. If return_removed = TRUE a list with two elements is return:


The updated tree file


A list of character vectors including the paths that have been removed from the supplied tree. The list is named using the cuts supplied to cut.


drop_cuts(icd_10_se, c("B35-B49", "F41")) |>
#>             pathString
#> 1 ICD-10-SE/01/A00-A09
#> 2 ICD-10-SE/01/A15-A19
#> 3 ICD-10-SE/01/A20-A28
#> 4 ICD-10-SE/01/A30-A49
#> 5 ICD-10-SE/01/A50-A64
#> 6 ICD-10-SE/01/A65-A69